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Everything is one - Ramana Maharshi about happiness

5,90 €
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About the book "Everything is one"

This small, extraordinary book has not yet been publicly accessible. It probably comes from the 19th century and now finally got out of the Tamil into English and German translated.

"Everything is one" Contains the essence about the knowledge of reality and deep knowledge of how everyone Self -realization, the state of "absolute bliss" - also known as Enlightenment, Moksha or liberation - can achieve.

Recommended by Ramana Maharshi

The writer and illuminated Ramana Maharshi This book often recommended this book together with a few other students who were looking for knowledge.

Ramana Maharshi particularly recommends the book to those who have difficulty integrating the idea of ​​many gods (as in Hinduism) into their understanding of God or universal energy. The author explains why "All one" is.

Reading sample - from happiness

"Want to be happy and identify this with the body is like trying to cross the river on the back of a crocodile. When the ego rises, the spirit separates from its source, and becomes restless as A stone thrown into the air or the water of a river.

Only when the stone or the river has reached its place of origin, namely the soil or the ocean, can they come to rest. Likewise, it is with the spirit - he can only rest and be happy when he has returned to his source and remains in it. "


  • Broached edition with 34 pages
  • Translated from Tamil into English and German
  • Essence of knowledge about the Knowledge of reality

Scope of delivery

  • 1 piece

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