Collection: Orgonite tower

The diverse properties of the orgonite have caused us to achieve an even greater force.

After a long experiment we have that Meditower developed. Special isochrone frequencies were developed for the Meditower with double copper soldering, which serve to switch to other states of consciousness with ease. The Meditower is played with the frequencies and you meditated next to it. The strength achieves faster and more powerful achievement of physical and mental balance.

The Meditower XL which has a weight of almost 5 kg, a height of 20 cm and a diameter of 8 cm, is not only a large orgonite transformer, but also (due to the double copper solder) to experience a new form.

The XL Meditower has the same properties as the Meditower. Due to its size and additional weight of approx. 5 kg, the XL Meditower can generate greater energy in large seminar/event rooms and shops.

Each single meditower is manufactured in precise manual work. When merging the individual components, such as naturopathic stones, copper, brass, precious metals, 24 caretic gold leaf and silver, not only attention is paid to a positive environment in the manufacturing process, but the meditower is charged with the isochronous tones.

The additional symbol in the tip of the Meditower ″ The flower of life ″ with seven chakrasins, symbolizes that everyone is connected here. Each customer thus receives an individual, neutralizing and energetic meditower.

Not only the effect that the meditower has on the body, mind and soul, but also the appearance or shape are an eye -catcher.

We recommend that the owner regularly collect the orgonites with oil.


In order to achieve all areas of frequencies, we install different sizes and varieties of healing stones. The orgonite works more so that all frequency levels are transformed into the orgon power. So he achieves powerful energy. To recharge the orgonite, use the sunlight and full moon phases. Thus, the orgonite is again transformed with positive energy.

3 products

  • Orgonite Tower Blume of Life

    42,90 €
    Sale price 42,90 €
  • Orgonite "life flower"

    113,50 €
    Sale price 113,50 €
  • Orgonite Tower with OM symbol in silver

    37,90 €
    Sale price 37,90 €