Protection against radiation and increasing your energy level
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There are many devices that emit electromagnetic frequencies that can affect your bioenergy, also called Orgon, Chi or Prana. It is important to protect your prana because it affects your general well -being - physically, mentally, mentally and emotional. An orgonite is an incredible power object made of resin, high-quality metals and precious gemstones that shields the EMF in front of microwaves, power lines, Wi-Fi devices and mobile phone masts. He also improves sleep, compensates for moods, strengthens the immune system and increases the energy level.
The orgonite works very simply
To charge it can be placed in the sunlight, in the freezer or kept under water.
The orgonite has other functions to harmonize than just the rooms. It ensures better well -being and helps with insomnia. The human level of consciousness is raised by swinging essential fields such as Prana, Chi, Lung, Mana and Vril. It dissolves blockages and helps the body mobilize its self -healing powers.
Orgonite care
We recommend that the owner regularly rub an oil.
The ratio of organic materials and inorganic materials always exists 50%. We install high -quality naturopathic stones that are also charged with positive vibrating frequencies when installing.
Inorganic components
We process high -quality inorganic metals without contamination. The components include different varieties of precious metals, copper, brass, 24 caretic gold leaf/silver.
Orgonite product selection