A lucid dream differs from other dreams by the complete clarity that you dream. In the dream, your own freedom of action is realized and a complete memory of the waking life and the previous lucid dream life occurs. All sensory performance as in normal daily awareness are available. Whether you want to get nightmares under control or simply give your wish for new awareness experiences - a Luzid dream is always a highly interesting experience.
The breakthrough on consciously experienced astral trips can be achieved by practicing lucid dreams. Out -of -body experiences are one of the greatest possible experiences in spirituality. The person concerned is outside of their own gross body, can look at himself and research subtle worlds. The everyday physical laws are meaningless here, many can fly in the astral body or walk through walls. The AKE phenomenon is often experienced by people in borderline situations.
With targeted techniques, such as a longer stay in the dark retreat, outside experiences can also be learned in normal living circumstances.