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7-eye rudraksha-lakshmi-Mala for more fullness, wealth & lightness

99,50 €
Sale price 99,50 €
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Size: 54+1


The meaning of Lakshmi

Lacshmi (Sanskrit = Lakṣmī) is the Hindu goddess of happiness and beauty.

She is not only the donor of wealth, but also of mental well -being, harmony, abundance and abundance. In addition, it is considered Protective of the plants And everything that thrives in abundance.

The power of the 7-eyes ruddraksha-mala

This 7-eyes ruddraksha-mala is particularly suitable for Wealth and abundance to move into the life of the wearer. Your energy supports both financial and health nature in the event of difficulties.

Design and execution

  • Design: 54+1 or 108+1
  • Size: Ø approx. 6-8 mm
  • Origin: Java
  • Energy: Lakshmi
  • Planet: Venus
  • Chakra: navel chakra (solar plexus/manipura)
  • Mantra: Om Hoom Namah (7-eyes Rudraksha)

Important instructions

Since this is a Natural product acts that is further processed by hand, slight deviations in color, size and design are possible.

These products are not intended for diagnosis, treatment, healing or prevention of diseases. The results lie in the sole responsibility of the carrier.