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15-eye rudraksha-to heart healing (Java)

270,00 €
Sale price 270,00 €
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Healing and heart opening with the 15-eye rudraksha

This in silver 15-eyes ruddraksha comes from the island of Java from Indonesia.

It will be for her ability to emotional heart and Relationships To heal, estimated. Your energy is directly with the Shivas transformation strength tied together.

Transformation through the power of love

The carrier can use this Rudraksha easier even from Grief and Expectations free and his heart again for unconditional love open. This Rudraksha is especially for people with emotional pain, Suitable for the feeling of neglect, loneliness and depression on the emotional level.

Support with self -healing

The ability is also attributed to her by secular adhesions to free and the Self -healing powers to support.

Product details

  • Design: Pained in silver, with heart medallion on the tape
  • Origin: Java
  • Energy: Shiva (Pashupati)
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Chakra: Heart chakra (Anahata)
  • Mantra: OM HREMAH

Since this is a Natural product deals with in Manual work If processed further, slight deviations in color, size and design are possible.

These products are not intended for diagnosis, treatment, healing or prevention of diseases. The results lie in the sole responsibility of the carrier.