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Called gemstones, are a part of our living nature, although they seem rather lifeless to most people due to their nature. In their capacity as healing stones, they have a strong effect on living beings by healing and harmonizing psychological as well as physical complaints. However, it must always be said that it has not yet been scientifically proven that stones have a healing effect and therefore a visit to the doctor cannot be replaced by the use of healing stones.

Healing or gemstones are available in all conceivable colors and sizes. They all consist of solid stone, but show differences in their characteristics. There are minerals, crystals, quartzes and magmatites.
Stones, which we often know as hand flatterers, have already been cut and are therefore rather smooth. Rough stones are not cut and show their natural form. Since cut gemstones have always had an aesthetic appeal, they are often further processed into jewellery. Bracelets, necklaces, pendants and also hand flatterers are very popular all over the world.

Rohsteine, wie sie bei uns im Shop zu finden sind, haben eine besonders starke heilende Wirkung, da sie noch unbehandelt sind. Sie eignen sich besonders gut für die Wasserenergetisierung und auch zum Auflegen auf den Körper, um z.B. Chakren zu aktivieren oder auch körperliche Beschwerden zu minimieren.

Alle Edelsteine haben einen Bezug zu unseren sieben Chakren und sind den Sternzeichen zugeordnet. Somit haben Edelsteine, die zu einer Person mit dem jeweiligen Sternzeichen passen, immer eine noch intensivere Wirkung.